Career Success: Myths Debunked


Aamir Qutub

Career Success: Myths Debunked



In the thirteenth episode of the podcast, Aamir Qutub debunks various career-related myths that usually holds back people from moving forward and accepting reality. 

Watch the video or keep reading below to find out how these misconceptions can harm you more than helping you and if you’re holding on to these relics, it’s time to let them go and focus on taking advantage of career opportunities.

Here's the video

Career Success: Myths Debunked

How big is the food industry in Australia? (4:42)

  1. The food and beverages industry is an important sector for the Australian economy in both financial contribution and employment terms. Food and beverage processing is Australia’s largest manufacturing industry.
  2. Industry players are diverse in size – from multinationals producing large quantities of fastmoving consumer goods to smaller players with the flexibility to meet the demand for niche gourmet products. The industry is very dynamic and is driven by demanding consumers looking for diversity, quality and value.
  3. The Australian food industry is currently worth over $110 billion annually (DAFF, 2013a). The food industry is a core pillar of the Australian economy with $371 million spent on food and beverages daily in Australia (DAFF, 2013a).

How to clear an interview if you don't have the right communication skills? (12:04)


Before you move on, download your copy of the Career Booster Toolkit.

Use this Toolkit to assess yourself and open up new opportunities, which you may not have noticed.


Few tips to improve communication skills for a job interview:

1. Be prepared: Read up on the various questions asked in an interview, and be prepared. This does not mean that you should learn everything by rote learning, but that you should make points. Note down what are your strengths, weaknesses, and how you are learning to overcome them, E.g. you could say that you are overcoming your communication skills drawback by joining some classes. etc.
2. Learn to speak in front of the mirror: Take your own interview, prepare yourself, and watch yourself in the mirror when you answer. When you see yourself repeatedly, you will notice your pronunciation and realize your mistakes and will be able to rectify them
3. Drive your interview: How good or bad the interview goes, depends on you. What is usually assessed is your attitude and your confidence. Lift your head, smile appropriately and speak in a clear voice. Do not mumble. Half of your job is done.

How to build a career during COVID-19? (14:01)

  1. From a new emphasis on the gig economy to reskilling and a rise in work from home job searches, freshers and professionals are working to improve their profile in a variety of ways during the pandemic. Many are rethinking their career choices, switching jobs, and going for upskilling to remain relevant in a tough job market.

  2. Freshers and young professionals are increasingly taking to upskilling. Even students are using this time to get skill training. In line with the trend, online learning platforms are offering various courses catering to them. While training and skill development is one way of career-building, young professionals are also opting for short-term jobs or freelancing.

  3. This is a situation that works both ways: Working with freelancers will cut overhead costs for any organization and freelancers, in turn, have the choice of choosing projects based on their skillset.

How to prepare for an interview for a government job? (19:32)

Government jobs are attractive for most of the Indian youths, every year lacs of applications are sent for hundreds of job opportunities in the Indian government. What makes these jobs more attractive is job security. These jobs give a chance to work for national development in return for a handsome salary. So if you’ve cleared the exam already and worrying about the interview. Pay heed to these tips:

  1. For an interview, you have to be smartly and formally dressed, clean and shaved, if you are a man, and adequately sensibly dressed with clean hairs and sparkled eyes. It would help if you always were smiling and polite. Keep smiling. Appear confident.
  2. Never be overconfident. If you find a point of contravention, be polite and try to understand their point of view. Be attentive and interested in listening. Do not speak much. Speak to the point and only to work-related projects, your ambitions, style of functioning and delivery of speech all matters in an interview.
  3. It would be best if you prepared well in advance. For it you can also purchase and study some general guide books from a book store.
  4. You need to understand and study the background of the department/ company. You have to study the charter of the department, that may be available on the internet. The ambitions and projects of the department are to be studied as much as are available to you.
  5. You need to develop your communication skills qualitatively and be always refresh your memory with more words and useful phrases. Use them effectively and skillfully in your interview. A good communicator always wins.

What Can You Do With an English Literature Degree? (24:53)

  1. While there’s more to an English literature degree than reading hefty tomes until your eyes go square, it’s fair to say that reading and analyzing written works is likely to be pretty central to your studies. 
  2. During an English literature degree, students scrutinize and debate a variety of texts, as well as acquiring knowledge of literary movements, periods and critical approaches that have shaped the way we view literature today. 
  3. Although there’s no one industry which takes precedence, English degree graduates are often found where strong communication and written English skills are top priorities; for example, within the worlds of media and publishing.
  4. Another career one can pursue is freelancing. If you’ve any skills, it’s better to go for freelancing where you can hone your skills, find your passion and can even work on it better.

What's the scope of civil engineering in Australia? (27:46)

  1. Australia has always been one of the most chosen places for immigration, and skilled migrants, including Civil Engineers, have always preferred to move to it and become a resident there in. In fact, Australia has always bee considered as a major place of work for the Civil Engineers, and the scope for Civil Engineers in Australia has always been high.
  2. Trained Civil Engineers can use their skills in various fields, such as Transportation, Building, Construction, Resources & Energy, etc.
  3. If we speak about skills, the experience of auto-computer-aided design (CAD) software and engineering design software would be an add-on for these experts.
  4. With the change of time, the concept of construction methods, materials and quality requirements and the drafting and analysis of specifications, sketches, plans, construction methods and procedures have become their main responsibilities.

Wrapping it up

Time to take the career myths you’ve been told over the years and heave them out the proverbial window. Your career (and paycheck) deserves better than to sit around languishing. 

The dream is free. The hustle is sold separately.

We are regularly coming up with new episodes. But, we certainly understand that you may need further guidance. Please feel free to enroll in the Job Ready Certification Course, join the community or view all the downloadable resources about jobs and careers by clicking on the below links.

Sagarika Biswas


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