How to Negotiate Salary with Your Company?

  • Yuvraj
  • | Updated on October 24, 2021

After the gruelling process of applying for jobs and going through countless interviews, it is understandable to get completely relaxed when you finally land a job. Still, once you are selected, there is an important step that people often don’t think about- the negotiation of your future salary. In this post, let’s check out how to negotiate salary with your company.

Negotiation is very important because it will determine your income for the foreseeable future. You don’t want to feel that you are being underpaid for the work you are putting in, and this could lead to loss of job satisfaction and discontentment with your workplace.

Salary negotiations can be a daunting task for most people as they don’t know how to go about it. Thankfully, there are some ways of preparing that will minimize your stress and help you realize your true worth at your workplace. It is very important to know the exact salary that would be appropriate for your role at the company. 

Before the negotiations for your salary begins, you should conduct research to find out the worth of your job in the market. 

How to Negotiate Salary with Your Company?

While figuring out how much the company should pay you for working there, you also need to take into account your skills and experience. 

For instance, freshers are often paid less than people with relevant job experience. Once you are prepared with proper evidence to back your case, you will make a much stronger impression. 

Here are some helpful tips on how to negotiate salary with your company:


Appear Confident

It is very important to be confident in your salary negotiation. You should be entirely sure of the position that you are going to take. Don’t settle for the most basic amount. Remember your worth and negotiate with confidence. 

Keep in mind that negotiations are often started from the bottom end of the salary range. It is your job to prove that you are confident and competitive enough to deserve a better salary than they initially offer. 

In your negotiations, be assertive but also courteous and professional at all times. It goes without saying that one should never show arrogance in such a situation. 

It is also very possible that you may not get the salary you were vying for. If that happens, accept their offer graciously without harbouring any resentment. 

Avoid Providing an Exact Figure

When you are asked about your expected salary, resist giving them an exact figure. Instead, respond that your salary requirement is based on the role you will be fulfilling and your experience in the field. 

It is also a good idea at this point to demand more information about the responsibilities that the role will entail. When you do make the first offer, make sure you aim higher than the expected salary for that position, and this will help you meet the company in the middle when they provide a lower counteroffer. 

It is crucial that you do not accept the first offer. If you need time to consider the offer or take someone’s advice, do not be afraid to say that. 

You can request HR to schedule another meeting in a few days’ time. In the next meeting, return with a suitable counteroffer and prepare arguments for your case. 

Practice Your Arguments

Don’t walk into the salary negotiation with just ideas in your head. If you do that, you will easily be defeated by the more prepared responses of the company. 



Instead, practice your pitch at home so that you can confidently deliver your points and counterpoints. It is very important to appear calm and collected during such proceedings. 

Salary negotiations can be a testing process, and we hope you found the tips given above useful.

Which of these tips will you definitely apply while negotiating your salary? Let us know by writing in the comment section below. 

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Yuvraj I am adept at meticulously researching any topic given and work to produce original yet engaging prose. I also have plenty of experience in creating optimised, search-engine friendly content.   Core: Market Research, Tech Writing, Blogging, WordPress


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